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Категорія: Все прочие лекарственные средства
Тип упаковки: конц. д/п инф. р-ра 1 мг фл. / 5 / шт.
Артикул: 75319
Виробник: Lantheus Medical (США)
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Профессионалы FDA PICardiolite Распечатать Поделиться Cardiolite Общее название: Technetium Tc99m Sestamibi Лекарственная форма: набор для приготовления инъекций Медицински рассмотрен Последняя проверка 22 января 2019 г. обзорПобочные эффектыдозировкапрофессиональныйОтзывыБольше На этой странице Описание Клиническая фармакология Наркотиков взаимодействий Показания и использование Противопоказания Предупреждения Меры предосторожности Информация для пациентов Неблагоприятные реакции Дозировка и администрирование Как поставляется / Хранение и обработка Кардиолит Описание Каждый флакон объемом 5 мл содержит стерильную непирогенную лиофилизированную смесь: Тетракис (2-метоксиизобутилизонитрил) тетрафторборат меди (I) - 1,0 мг дигидрат цитрата натрия - 2,6 мг моногидрат гидрохлорида L-цистеина - 1,0 мг маннит - 20 мг хлорида олова, дигидрат, минимум (SnCl 2 • 2H 2 O) - 0,025 мг хлорид олова, дигидрат, (SnCl 2 • 2H 2 O) - 0,075 мг хлорида олова (двухвалентный и четырехвалентное олово) дигидрат, максимум (как SnCl 2 • 2H 2 O) - 0,086 мг До лиофилизации рН составляет 5,3-5,9. Содержимое флакона лиофилизируют и хранят в атмосфере азота. Этот препарат вводится внутривенной инъекцией для диагностического использования после восстановления стерильной непирогенной, не содержащей оксидантов инъекцией пертехнетата натрия Tc99m. РН восстановленного продукта составляет 5,5 (5,0-6,0). Никакого бактериостатического консерванта нет. Точная структура комплекса технеция является Tc99m [МИБИ] 6 + , где МИБИ представляет собой 2-метокси изобутил изонитрильный. ФИЗИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ Технеций Tc99m распадается изомерным переходом с периодом полураспада 6,02 часа 1 . Фотоны, которые полезны для исследований обнаружения и изображения, перечислены в Таблице 1. Таблица 1. Основные данные по излучению излучения Среднее% / Распад Средняя энергия (КэВ) Гамма -2 89,07 140,5 1 Kocher, David, C., Radioactive Decay Data Tables, DOE/TIC-11026, 108(1981). EXTERNAL RADIATION The specific gamma ray constant for Tc99m is 5.4 microcoulombs/Kg-MBq-hr (0.78R/mCi-hr) at 1 cm. The first half value layer is 0.017 cm of Pb. A range of values for the relative attenuation of the radiation emitted by this radionuclide that results from interposition of various thicknesses of Pb is shown in Table 2. To facilitate control of the radiation exposure from Megabequerel (millicurie) amounts of this radionuclide, the use of a 0.25 cm thickness of Pb will attenuate the radiation emitted by a factor of 1,000. Table 2. Radiation Attenuation by Lead Shielding Shield Thickness (Pb) cm Coefficient of Attenuation 0.017 0.5 0.08 10-1 0.16 10-2 0.25 10-3 0.33 10-4 To correct for physical decay of this radionuclide, the fractions that remain at selected intervals after the time of calibration are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Physical Decay Chart; Tc99m Half-Life 6.02 Hours Hours Fraction Remaining Hours Fraction Remaining *Calibration Time 0* 1.000 8 .398 1 .891 9 .355 2 .794 10 .316 3 .708 11 .282 4 .631 12 .251 5 .562 6 .501 7 .447 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY: General Technetium Tc99m Sestamibi is a cationic Tc99m complex which has been found to accumulate in viable myocardial tissue in a manner analogous to that of thallous chloride Tl-201. Scintigraphic images obtained in humans after the intravenous administration of the drug have been comparable to those obtained with thallous chloride Tl-201 in normal and abnormal myocardial tissue. Animal studies have shown that myocardial uptake is not blocked when the sodium pump mechanism is inhibited. Although studies of subcellular fractionation and electron micrographic analysis of heart cell aggregates suggest that Tc99m Sestamibi cellular retention occurs specifically within the mitochondria as a result of electrostatic interactions, the clinical relevance of these findings has not been determined. The mechanism of Tc99m Sestamibi localization in various types of breast tissue (e.g., benign, inflammatory, malignant, fibrous) has not been established. Pharmacokinetics Pulmonary activity is negligible even immediately after injection. Blood clearance studies indicate that the fast clearing component clears with a t1/2 of 4.3 minutes at rest, and clears with a t1/2 of 1.6 minutes under exercise conditions. At five minutes post injection about 8% of the injected dose remains in circulation. There is less than 1% protein binding of Technetium Tc99m Sestamibi in plasma. The myocardial biological half-life is approximately six hours after a rest or exercise injection. The biological half-life for the liver is approximately 30 minutes after a rest or exercise injection. The effective half-life of clearance (which includes both the biological half-life and radionuclide decay) for the heart is approximately 3 hours, and for the liver is approximately 30 minutes, after a rest or exercise injection. The ideal imaging time reflects the best compromise between heart count rate and surrounding organ uptake. Myocardial uptake which is coronary flow dependent is 1.2% of the injected dose at rest and 1.5% of the injected dose at exercise. Table 4 illustrates the biological clearance as well as effective clearance (which includes biological clearance and radionuclide decay) of Tc99m Sestamibi from the heart and liver. [Organ concentrations expressed as percentage of injected dose; data based on an average of 5 subjects at rest and 5 subjects during exercise]. Table 4 Rest Stress Heart Liver Heart Liver Time Biological Effective Biological Effective Biological Effective Biological Effective 5 min. 1.2 1.2 19.6 19.4 1.5 1.5 5.9 5.8 30 min. 1.1 1.0 12.2 11.5 1.4 1.3 4.5 4.2 1 hour 1.0 0.9 5.6 5.0 1.4 1.2 2.4 2.1 2 hours 1.0 0.8 2.2 1.7 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.7 4 hours 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.4 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.2 A study in a dog myocardial ischemia model reported that Technetium Tc99m Sestamibi undergoes myocardial distribution (redistribution), although more slowly and less completely than thallous chloride Tl-201. A study in a dog myocardial infarction model reported that the drug showed no redistribution of any consequence. Definitive human studies to demonstrate possible redistribution have not been reported. In patients with documented myocardial infarction, imaging revealed the infarct up to four hours post dose. Metabolism The agent is excreted without any evidence of metabolism. Elimination The major pathway for clearance of Tc99m Sestamibi is the hepatobiliary system. Activity from the gall bladder appears in the intestines within one hour of injection. Twenty-seven percent of the injected dose is excreted in the urine, and approximately thirty-three percent of the injected dose is cleared through the feces in 48 hours. Drug Interactions Specific drug-drug interactions have not been studied. CLINICAL TRIALS: MYOCARDIAL IMAGING: In a trial of rest and stress Cardiolite® imaging, the relationship of normal or abnormal perfusion scans and long term cardiac events was evaluated in 521 patients (511 men, 10 women) with stable chest pain. There were 73.9% Caucasians, 25.9% Blacks and 0.2% Asians. The mean age was 59.6 years (range: 29 to 84 years). All patients had a baseline rest and exercise Cardiolite® scan and were followed for 13.2 ± 4.9 months (range: 1 to 24 months). Images were correlated with the occurrence of a cardiac event (cardiac death or non-fatal myocardial infarction). In this trial as summarized in Table 5, 24/521 (4.6%) had a cardiac event. Table 5 (a) Note: Similar findings were found in two studies with patients who had pharmacologic stress Cardiolite® imaging. (b) p<0.01 Baseline Scan(a) Proportion of patients with event by scan results (a) Proportion of scan result in patients with events; N=24(a) Proportion of event-free patients by scan result (a) Normal 1/206 (0.5%) 1/24 (4.2%) 205/206 (99.5%) Abnormal 23/315 (7.3%) (b) 23/24 (95.8%)(b) 292/315 (92.7%)(b) Although patients with normal images had a lower cardiac event rate than those with abnormal images, in all patients with abnormal images it was not possible to predict which patient would be likely to have further cardiac events; i.e., such individuals were not distinguishable from other patients with abnormal images. The findings were not evaluated for defect location, disease duration, specific vessel involvement or intervening management. In earlier trials, using a template consisting of the anterior wall, inferior-posterior wall and isolated apex, localization in the anterior or inferior-posterior wall in patients with suspected angina or coronary artery disease was shown. Disease localization isolated to the apex has not been established. Tc99m Sestamibi has not been studied or evaluated in cardiac disorders other than coronary artery disease. BREAST IMAGING: MIRALUMA® was evaluated in two multicenter, clinical trials of a total of 673 woman patients. Overall the mean age was 52 (range 23 to 87 years). The racial and ethnic representation was 70% Caucasian, 15% African-American, 14% Hispanic and 1% Asian. Both clinical studies evaluated women who were referred for further evaluation for either: 1) a mammographically detected (with varying degrees of malignant likelihood) but not palpable breast lesion (study A, n=387, mean age = 54 years), or 2) a palpable breast lesion (study B, n=286, mean age = 50 years). In both studies all patients were scheduled for biopsy. MIRALUMA® (20-30 mCi) was injected intravenously in a vein that was contralateral to the breast lesion in question. Planar imaging was completed with a high resolution collimator with a 10% window centered at 140 KeV, and 128 x 128 matrix. An initial marker image, that was not used in the data analysis, was obtained using a cobalt Co57 point source as a marker of a palpable mass. Images were obtained 5 minutes after injection as follows: lateral image of the affected breast for 10 minutes, lateral image of the contralateral breast for 10 minutes, and an anterior image of both breasts for 10 minutes. For the lateral image the patients were positioned in a prone position. For the anterior image, the patients were supine. The MIRALUMA® scintigraphic images were read in a randomized method by two groups of three blinded readers. MIRALUMA® uptake was scored as: normal (no uptake), equivocal, low, moderate, or high uptake. The results of MIRALUMA® images and mammography were analyzed in comparison to histopathologic findings of malignant or non-malignant disease. As shown in Table 6 for the 483 evaluable patients, the sensitivity and specificity of any degree of MIRALUMA® uptake appear to vary with the presence or absence of palpable mass. TABLE 6 Overall MIRALUMA® Blinded Results of Target Lesions(a) Identified at Study Entry(b) STATISTIC Study A Non-Palpable Mass and an Abnormal Mammogram Study B Palpable Mass Number of Patients and Lesions N=277 Patients with 300 Lesions N=206 Patients with 240 Lesions Sensitivity 52(42,62)(c) 76(67,83) Specificity 94(89,96) 85(77,91) PPV(d) 79(67,88) 83(74,89) NPV(d) 80(74,85) 78(69,84) Agreement 80(75,85) 80(75,85) Prevalence 32(27,37) 49(43,56) (a) Excludes all discordant lesions not identified at entry and excludes 25 equivocal interpretations from Study A and 32 equivocal interpretations from Study B (see Tables 7 and 8) (b) some patients had more than one target lesion (c) Median and approximated 95% Confidence Interval (d) PPV= Positive Predict Value; NPV= Negative Predict Value In a separate retrospective subset analyses of 259 patients with dense (heterogeneously/extremely dense) and 275 patients with fatty (almost entirely fat/numerous vague densities) breast tissue, the MIRALUMA® results were similar. Overall, the studies were not designed to compare the performance of MIRALUMA® with the performance of mammography in patients with breast densities or other coexistent breast tissue disorders. In general the histology seems to correlate with the degree of MIRALUMA® uptake. As shown in Tables 7 and 8, the majority of the normal MIRALUMA® images are associated with non-malignant tissue (78-81%) and the majority of low, moderate or high uptake MIRALUMA® images are associated with malignant disease (79-83%). In an individual patient, however, the intensity of MIRALUMA® uptake can not be used to confirm the presence or absence of malignancy. Equivocal results do not have a correlation with histology. TABLE 7 Degree of MIRALUMA® Breast Imaging Uptake in Comparison to Histopathology Results in Patients with Mammographically Detected Non-Palpable Lesions* (Study A) Normal Uptake N = 249 lesions Equivocal Uptake N = 25 lesions Low, Moderate or High Uptake N = 66 lesions Non-malignant** 201 (81%) 14 (56%) 14 (21%) Malignant 48 (19%) 11 (44%) 52 (79%) * Median finding for 3 blinded readers ** Includes benign tissue, fibroadenoma, benign intramammary nodes, radial scar. TABLE 8 Degree of MIRALUMA® Breast Imaging Uptake in Comparison to Histopathology Results in Patients with Palpable Lesions* (Study B) Normal Uptake N = 129 lesions Equivocal Uptake N = 32 lesions Low, Moderate or High Uptake N = 115 lesions Non-malignant** 100 (78%) 19 (59%) 20 (17%) Malignant 29 (22%) 13 (41%) 95 (83%) * Median finding for 3 blinded readers ** Includes benign tissue, fibroadenoma, benign intramammary nodes, radial scar. Оценка вероятности злокачественного новообразования на основе показателя поглощения MIRALUMA ® в сочетании с показателем маммографии не изучалась. В этих двух исследованиях примерно 150 дополнительных небиопсийных очагов были признаны положительными после визуализации MIRALUMA ® . Эти поражения были выявлены на участках, которые физически не коррелировали с установленными критериями входа маммографическими поражениями, и эти поражения не были ощутимы. Эти поражения не были подвергнуты биопсии. Были ли эти поражения доброкачественными или злокачественными, неизвестно. Поглощение МИРАЛУМА ® может происходить как при доброкачественных, так и при злокачественных заболеваниях. КЛИНИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЛЕЗНОСТЬ ПОЗИТИВНОГО ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЯ MIRALUMA ® В ОТСУТСТВИИ АНОМАЛЬНОЙ МАММОГРАММЫ ИЛИ ПАРАЛИЧНОГО ПОРАЖЕНИЯ НЕ ЗНАЕТСЯ. ПОКАЗАНИЯ И ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ: Визуализация миокарда: Cardiolite ® , набор для приготовления технеция Tc99m Sestamibi для инъекций, является агентом перфузии миокарда, который показан для выявления заболеваний коронарной артерии путем локализации ишемии миокарда (обратимые дефекты) и инфаркта (необратимые дефекты) при оценке миокарда функционировать и разрабатывать информацию для использования при принятии управленческих решений. Кардиолит ® оценка ишемии миокарда может быть выполнена с помощью методов отдыха и сердечно-сосудистого стресса (например, физические упражнения или фармакологический стресс в соответствии с маркировкой фармакологического стрессового агента). Как правило, невозможно определить возраст инфаркта миокарда или дифференцировать недавний инфаркт миокарда от ишемии. Визуализация молочных желез: MIRALUMA ® , набор для приготовления технеция Tc99m Sestamibi для инъекций, показан для плоской визуализации в качестве диагностического препарата второго ряда после маммографии, чтобы помочь в оценке поражений молочной железы у пациентов с аномальной маммографией или ощутимой массой молочных желез. MIRALUMA ® не показан для скрининга рака молочной железы, чтобы подтвердить наличие или отсутствие злокачественности, и это не альтернатива биопсии.
Условия хранения
До лиофилизации рН находится между 5,3-5,9. Содержимое флакона лиофилизируют и хранят в атмосфере азота. Хранить при 15-25 ° C до и после приготовления.

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Купити КАРДИОЛИТ (МЕДЬ ТЕТРАКИС) CARDIOLITE (TETRAKIS COPPER) Ви можете з доставкою у Вінниця, Луцьк, Дніпропетровськ, Кривий Ріг, Житомир, Ужгород, Івано-Франківськ, Калуш, Біла Церква, Бориспіль, Бровари, Вишневе, Вишгород, Кіровоград, Миколаїв, Одеса, Полтава, Рівне, Суми, Тернопіль, Харків, Херсон, Хмельницький, Черкаси, Чернігів, Чернівці та інші населені пункти України


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